by AnnaMaria Leogrande
French teacher at Marconi middle school, Modena - Italy
“The eTwinning community engages hundreds of thousands of teachers, who learn from each other, share practice and ideas and make eTwinning the biggest teacher network in the world. It offers a platform for staff (teachers, head teachers, librarians, etc.), working in a school in one of the European countries involved, to communicate, collaborate, develop projects, share and, in short, feel and be part of the most exciting learning community in Europe.”
This is the definition that one can read on the Etwinning site and it is the real feeling that have when for the first time you get in touch with it.
As a French teacher in middle school, I was looking for an instrument which could give my students the opportunity to use the language in a more real and dynamic contest. I found this in Etwinning, a powerful instrument through which I have received a lot of positive feedback, in the way of participation, enthusiasm and collaboration with my students. The first projects were based on the students’ personal presentations, which is the main topic of the Italian program for the second foreign language. After sharing this idea with other foreign language teachers, I developed a project which gave my students the possibility to show their knowledge of the French language. Through the exchange and the interaction computer based, we worked on the promotion of new methods about foreign languages learning. Students worked on different topics, using different instruments and applications, thus improved their computer skills too.
It was very satisfying to see how they worked using French to communicate with other European students.