How to teach SML
O3 - Methodological guide for teaching social media literacy

Choosing to use social media in the classroom is a decision with many benefits, but also many risks. That's why you should learn about the various aspects of using social media before you start. Best practice examples from those already using social media in the classroom can also be a good starting point.
In this sense, the third intellectual output (O3) created within the Educational Toolkit for the Development of Social Media Literacy project (2019-1-RO01-KA201-063996) is a methodological guide, designed to facilitate the teaching approach involving the use of social media tools in the classroom. You will find in the guide some useful recommendations, examples of exercises, suggestions for designing your own lesson plans, and a glossary of explained terms from the field of social media literacy.

Download O3 in EN, RO, IT, PT or FR version: